How to swap the SGN Presale Tokens

Signals Network
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2018


EDIT: We updated the Swap contract. When you call the swap function on this new contract, be aware that not only your presale tokens get swapped with the real transferable SGN tokens, but you also receive your share of the unsold tokens. Please note, that if you already called the swap function on the old Swap contract but you still did not receive the unsold tokens, you can still call the swap function on this new contract and the tokens will be transferred to your wallet.

Signals Token Presale or Private sale participants have received so-called SGN Presale Tokens for their purchases. For those who registered and passed the KYC procedure before the May 2nd, these SGN Presale Tokens were automatically swapped in their wallets with the real transferable SGN Tokens and they received their share of the unsold tokens. If you did not provide your KYC details in time and your tokens were not swapped automatically, we have put together a guide for you to do it by yourself. This guide consists of two steps:

  1. Pass the KYC procedure
  2. Swap the SGN Presale Tokens for the SGN Tokens and receive your share of the unsold tokens

Step 1: Pass the KYC procedure

We are legally obliged to require our Token Presale participants to pass the Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure. We cannot swap any presale tokens for presale participants until they’ve passed the KYC. If you have already passed the KYC, you have had the tokens automatically exchanged in your wallet by the May 4th. If you did not pass the KYC just yet, you can undergo the procedure on the Signals website.

Start the KYC procedure here.

Step 2: Swap the SGN Presale Tokens for the SGN Tokens

If you did not pass the KYC procedure on time (prior to May 4), your SGN Presale Tokens tokens were not automatically replaced with the transferable SGN Tokens and you need to swap them manually. To help you with this process, we will show you how to achieve the token swap with two most common crypto wallets:

Visit or (the process is very similar for both).

  1. Click on the “Contracts” tab
  2. Insert the Contract Address 0xB5E605e34454b863efDc52c51932f8765f38954C
  3. Insert the following ABI:
[{"constant": false,"inputs": [],"name": "swap","outputs": [],"payable": false,"stateMutability": "nonpayable","type": "function"}]

4. Click the Access button

A new section will appear. Continue with:

5. Select “swap” function

6. Access your wallet

7. Set Gas limit to 200,000 wei

8. Confirm the transaction

Once the transaction is executed (it might take multiple minutes), your SGN Presale Tokens will be swapped in your wallet with the SGN Tokens and you will receive your share of the unsold tokens. SGN Presale Token and SGN Token are two different tokens with different token contract address. If you do not see the SGN Tokens in your wallet, you might need to add them manually.

Read this blog post with a guide how to add SGN tokens to a wallet.

If you need help, please let us know at



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